Chief Minister of Haryana, Manohar Lal Khattar who was interacting with representatives of various industrial associations in Panipat stated that the Haryana Government is preparing a new textile policy for Panipart and Sirsa which will be notified by the end of October 2017. He urged the industrialists to think positive and be patient, and assured them that their all demands would be considered sympathetically. The government has been providing single window system to industrialists for setting up new industries in the State and this system has yielded positive results.
An industrialist, highlighting the grievances related to old industry area said that the industrial area was set up in 1948 and estimated Rs. 30.94 cr had been sent for construction of roads in the area. In this regard, Khattar said that the tenders would be issued this month. Another industrialist informed that six villages in industrial area near refinery were divided in three blocks A, B and C and suggested to merge the entire industrial area in one block.
The office bearers of Haryana Chamber of Commerce said the CLU (Change of Land Use) powers vested with the Deputy Commissioner for one acre of land should be enhanced to two acres of land and the limit of power connection be increased from 50 kilowatt to 100 kilowatt. The Chief Minister Khattar said that all industrialists should pay special attention to safety standards in their industries so as to avoid any untoward incidents and all ideas put forward by the industrialists would be considered for including them into textile policy.