Kappahl, a leading Swedish fashion chain, has become a member of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), to help accelerate the development of sustainable working methods and solutions in the fashion industry. SAC is an organisation working to create a sustainable fashion industry, with the vision of an industry that causes no harm to the environment. Kappahl will now speed up the pace of change in sustainable working methods and solutions in the fashion industry. As part of the SAC, the company can work with other players in the industry – purchasers, suppliers, researchers, investors, and consumers – to coordinate efforts to achieve greater transparency and better results in moving the fashion industry towards a more sustainable future.

The company is now in the process of developing their working methods using the SAC’s Higg Index suite of tools. The goal is to set clear standards for the entire industry to measure and assess the sustainability performance of suppliers and products. Kappahl’s CEO, Danny Feltmann said, “We are committed to continuing to play an active role in driving the system changes that need to be made in our industry. With the SAC, we can harmonise our approaches to sustainability with other players in the industry, enabling us to pull together and make a greater difference.” Fredrika Klarén, Head of Sustainability at Kappahl said, “A harmonised approach within the industry will have a positive impact on our entire value chain and bring greater transparency to the industry. This is the route to achieving a sustainable fashion industry”.
