Finding the right sewing needle for your application is like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack? With Groz-Beckert, the world’s leading manufacturer of sewing machine needles, it isn’t. The portfolio of around 3,000 sewing and shoe machine needles offers the right product for every application. In our Customer Portal Sewing you will easily find what you need. And if you have questions, we will be pleased to help.

The key components

What’s the use of the best sewing machine if skipped stitches occur, threads or needles break, if the fabric gets damaged or seams pucker? Using the right needle is essential, especially when sewing on sensitive material or with challenging operations. Our special application needles SAN® 5.2, SAN® 6, SAN® 10 and SAN® 10 XS are only some examples of what needles make a key component in the sewing process.

Airbags, carrying straps, car seats, upholstered furniture, protective clothing, sun protection systems, and this list could be continued with countless applications in the field of technical textiles where sophisticated needles are a must.

Increased stability through special blade reinforcement, reliable loop pick-up for a greater safeguard against skipped stitches, uniform seam appearance and an always gentle handling of the sewing material are only some of the benefits provided, for example, by our SAN® 5.2, the 2nd-generation sewing machine needle for technical textiles.
