Spain-based Pyrates Smart Fabrics set up with the goal to find a fashion solution to health and environmental challenges, provide the same benefits as synthetic smart fabrics, but using responsibly-sourced natural fibres, which are much more respectful to nature as well as to our skin. The company offers a combination of functional and natural.

“We have developed a range of five different smart fabrics, at the core of which are natural active fibres with caring properties for the skin and the body, such as blood circulation improvement, muscle relaxation, skin moisture improvement, skin cells regeneration or boosting the immune system, among others,” Regina Polanco, Founder & CEO, Pyrates Smart Fabrics, told.

Talking about the challenges faced by the company to make smart and sustainable clothing affordable, she said, “Making smart clothing affordable is completely dependent on demand, and our prices have steadily decreased since we began our adventure because of the increase in demand. Our goal is for it to be more and more affordable, following this increase in demand, which in turn allows production costs to reduce.” She added that Pyrates Smart Fabrics will keep following the R&D path, developing new fabrics, using new natural fibres with new properties and increase its visibility in the near future.
