Narendra Modi, Honourable Prime Minister of India & Yogi Adityanath , Honourable Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh for giving us a lifetime opportunity to set up the first ALT Centre of Excellence for the Apparel, Knitwear, Leather and Heavy Goods Industry in the State of Uttar Pradesh India with the following objectives:

1. The ALT Centre of Excellence at TTC/D-1, Apparel Park, Trans Delhi Signature City, Loni, Ghaziabad -201103 will aim to train both men and women especially from the weaker section of society at all levels of the industry starting from basic operator training of 4 weeks till graduation of 3 years.

This will afford them an opportunity to acquire technical skill irrespective of their educational and financial background so that they are able to compete both in the Domestic and International industry and enable them to participate anywhere in the world. Our target is that within 5 years we should be able to reach the training target of 10,000 per year at our centre.

2 a) To support the MSME Sector who cannot afford to have their own complete facilities of garment manufacture, in a manner by which they can seek support from ALT Centre of Excellence and will be able to compete with the leading manufacturer of the country which will generate additional ployment for at least 100.000 per year within a period of 5 years.

Step by step they will acquire both knowledge and equipment and in the future they will become independent in both domestic and international markets.

b) To lend support to small fashion institutes and also to ITI’s, women welfare centres, tailoring centres etc so that in combination with ALT Centre of excellence, can impart same level of training which will generate trained workforce similar to ALT Centre of Excellence and augment the great demand for skilled workforce.

3) The ALT Training College Foundation will prepare at least 1000 new entrepreneurs especially from the next generation per year within a period of 5 years to run efficiently Apparel, Knitwear, Leather, and heavy goods industry. This will generate additional trained workforce of 100.000 for employment in the new factory per year within a period of 5 years.

4) To introduce both digitization and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to prepare candidates for the future of the industry.
