The leaders of China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC) recently visited Newtech Textile Technology Development. The officials appreciated the company’s innovation in textile science and technology and constantly improve the development of the market to meet the demand, meet the needs of the development of the industry products. “At present, the printing and dyeing industry is the industry’s core pain points in the green environment. The industry has discussed this with the domestic and foreign top universities, but the trial are not in essence so as to satisfy the human pursuit of colour, but also to break the traditional industrial model so as to avoid after the industrial chain workers continued pollution of environment. The cool transfer printing technology textile technology is really an exciting solution,” said CNTAC President Sun Ruizhe. Ruizhe urged the company to keep close cooperation with the textile industry association. “The association will do their best to provide the resources to support the promotion of cool transfer printing technology in textile industry,” concluded Ruizhe.
