Myanmar Artisans Co Ltd, Turquoise Mountain and the DaNa Facility, funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), recently announced an investment of over $750,000 during the next two years in Myanmar’s traditional textiles industry. The investment will initially take place in Kachin, Chin and Shan states but will later expand to other states.
The DaNa Facility programme, established in May 2016 and implemented by DAI Europe and KPMG, supports inclusive economic growth and private sector development in Myanmar through responsible and sustainable business growth, investment and trade.
Turquoise Mountain is an international non-governmental organisation set-up by Prince Charles to regenerate historic areas and traditional crafts. Myanmar Artisans was established in 2016 committed to preserving and promoting Myanmar’s rich traditional crafts.
The project, through training, product development and forging better links to higher value markets, will use these traditions and skills to improve the livelihood of women and underserved groups in the sector, according to a press release from the DANA Facility. The project will establish a central ‘cut and sew’ workshop in Yangon’s downtown area and focus on product development and quality control.
DFID head Gail Marzetti, who recently visited Kachin state capital Myityina to formally launch the project, said the funding agency believes it is important that the traditional textiles of Myanmar continue to thrive and succeed in future.