Swedish fashion retailer Hennes & Mauritz (H&M), which now garners around 12 per cent of global sales volume online, is planning to go online in India this year. A third-party logistics partner will handle deliveries. The company does not plan to integrate physical stores with online operations now and will not tie up with any online marketplace for selling.
H&M will be launching shop online on its own page hm.com/in, and there will be no market place offering, H&M India Country Manager Janne Einola said recently. Though H&M India’s sales was around Rs. 490 cr in 2016, India does not feature among the top 10 markets for the company.
It is planning to open two more stores in the Mumbai metropolitan region this month, and one more in Mysore later this year, which will take its total number of stores in the country to 30. Einola said 75 per cent of its stores are in big metros, but it does plan to focus on smaller cities.