Beccos – A Korean designer brand, has announced its entry into the Indian market. The first Beccos exclusive store was inaugurated at the fashionable, student dominated neighbourhood of Kamla Nagar in New Delhi. Beccos’s products have been designed by South Korea’s influential product designers like Limhion Pak, Boyeon Kim, Min Woo Lee and Jinhye Choi among others and it promises to offer aesthetically pleasing yet functional products for you and your home. The merchandise line-up comprises daily need household items, mobile accessories, cosmetics, fashion accessories, luggage, home décor, stationary and baby products made with the finest materials and available at reasonable prices. The Kamla Nagar store which is spread over 1500 Sq Ft will feature merchandise across all the 8 categories. Beccos also plans to open two more stores soon at Netaji Subhas Place and Lagpat Nagar.
Speaking on the sidelines of the inauguration, Dabin Wang, Global CEO, Beccos, said, “We are extremely delighted to bring Korea’s much sought lifestyle designer brand, Beccos, to India this year. Our wide range of exquisite products designed by South Korea’s most influential product designers demonstrate the brand’s commitment to innovative design, high quality and affordability. We see tremendous potential in the Indian market and will be expanding our retail presence to 50 stores by mid-2019, across key locations at an investment of over Rs.100 crs and planned revenues of Rs 200 -250 crs by FY ending 2019-20. To accelerate our aggressive expansion, we invite franchisees to be our partners in growth. With all the right ingredients, we believe Beccos will be warmly embraced and coveted by the savvy Indian consumer.” As part of its loyalty programme, Beccos shoppers will get exclusive benefits beyond regular discounts and it will be announced at the time of store launch.