In order to meet growing demand, Karnataka Silk Industries Corporation (KSIC) is setting up a second integrated silk weaving unit in Mysuru at a cost of Rs. 24 cr, which will begin operations by July 2017. The first unit set up in 1912 by Nalwadi Krishnaraja Wadiyar, has 139 power handlooms and produces 35,000 mtr of silk cloth per month. “The new unit will have 60 power handlooms and produce 2,600 pieces of ‘Mysuru silk zari sari’ per month and also 210,000 mtr of silk materials,” KSIC Chairman MK Somashekar was quoted as saying. According to the Chairman, KSIC has been generating profits since the last 11 years. In fiscal 2015-16, it reported revenues of Rs. 157 cr and profit at Rs. 22.80 cr.
