HanesBrands has earned a ninth consecutive US Environmental Protection Agency Energy Star Partner of the Year award for sustained excellence in energy conservation, carbon emissions reduction and environmental sustainability. HanesBrands is on a mission to become the apparel industry’s leader in environmental stewardship and social responsibility.

“HanesBrands is incredibly honoured to earn our ninth consecutive Energy Star Partner of the Year award and will accept it on behalf of our approximately 70,000 worldwide employees who are committed to energy management and environmental responsibility,” said Javier Chacon, Chief Global Manufacturing Officer for HanesBrands. “Thanks to our employees’ steadfast commitment, Hanes is the only apparel company to be honored for sustained excellence by the EPA Energy Star program in its 26-year history and continues to demonstrate that companies from all industries can make a difference in energy conservation, carbon emissions reduction and environmental sustainability.”

Hanes recently released the company’s 2017 environmental performance data on energy use, carbon dioxide emissions, water use, renewable energy and landfill diversion. Across every category, the company posted strong results compared to the year prior. Versus 2016, Hanes reduced its carbon dioxide emissions by 15 per cent, energy use by 6 per cent and water use by 7 per cent, while increasing its use of renewable energy by 7 per cent. Additionally, Hanes again diverted 84 per cent of its supply chain waste from landfills.

Energy Star was introduced by the EPA in 1992 as a voluntary, market-based partnership to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through increased efficiency. The annual Energy Star Partner of the Year award honours organisations that have made outstanding contributions to protect the environment through best practices and organisation-wide energy savings.
