The wait is over as India’s leading fashion denim brand Spykar, has launched its SS19 collection. Themed “Wear Your Vibe,” the collection oozes latest fashion, style and contemporary summer fashion. The collection exudes – The soft yet colourful palette and breezy fabrics carefully curated to make the summers stylish and comfortable. The trendy denims are perfectly designed for a casual day out. The playful prints and motifs are all inspired by elements that make summer the favourite time of the year. The mood is to soak in the summer vibe with fun colours.
“Sanjay Vakharia, CEO of Spykar Lifestyle said, “This summer Wear Your Vibe with Spykar! We are very focused on ensuring that the apparel we offer is high on fashion and resonates with the youth. It subsumes a lot of prints, solids and pastels in varied fabrics providing the perfect easy breezy look. The range is sure to strike a chord with the youth who are always on a lookout for a trendy wardrobe.”
The collection includes bright polo tees, linen shirts in soft pastels, tropical print tees, striped shirt in summer light weight fabric, muscle tees, denims in swanky fits both for men and women, among other offerings.