Khadi fabric production in India saw an average jump of 37.1 per cent in the last four years from 103.22 mn sq mtr to 141.52 mn sq mtr, according to the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC). The rise followed KVIC’s encouragement of registration of new khadi institutions and artisan-centric programmes beginning 2015.The programmes include distribution of 31,000 new model charkhas (spinning wheels) and 5,600 modern looms.

KVIC rolled out 376 new khadi institutions and added 38,684 new khadi artisans during the same period. This resulted in an average jump of 61 per cent in khadi fabric production’s share with respect to overall fabric production in the last four years, according to a report. KVIC Chairman Vinai Kumar Saxena said the number of khadi artisans is gradually increasing in the due to new policies and initiatives by the organisation.
